
Journal • 2022

Team photo

Day 1

After an 11 hour overnight flight, a 7 hour layover, and multiple last-minute passport issues, we made it! As it turned out, two of our team members were unable to get their passports or travel documents in time for the flight. But the Lord is sovereign over that too, and He …

Journal • 2021

Day 1

  • Travel day - got on flight Saturday night at 8
  • Mini heart attack about proving vaccination status
  • Ate dinner pre-flight, got to know the team (what you do, what got you to Albania)
    • Brian, engineer
    • Andrew, accountant
    • Allison (Alli), WM students team admin
    • Madison, PR & …

Journal • 2020

This year we unfortunately had to cancel our summer project due to COVID-19. But there’s a purpose in everything God does! Though we were sad to not see our friends during the summer, we have kept in touch with them through a weekly Zoom call. Through this weekly touchpoint, and God’s …

Journal • 2019 - Young …

The in-between

I had a full week in between the Shkoder project and the YP project. I spent half of it working remote and the rest just catching up with friends. I found a really good coffee shop to work from. with a wonderful view.

Journal • 2019 - Shkodra

Pre-trip team photo

Day 1

We arrived in Tirana around noon and met Pal at the airport. Glad to be back in country! It’s been almost a year since I was here last - too long. We went with Pal to pick up Wes and Daniel at Hotel Sokrat. While there we met with Aldo for a bit. It was nice to …

Building on The …

According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11

What is it …

Acts 29

This month, while we’ve been working on the summer project here in Albania, I’ve been reading the book of Acts. I love all the descriptions in the book of Acts of faithful people who were not Apostles. Some of them, like Cornelius the centurion, had been faithful for a very long time, …

Journal • 2018

Pre-trip team photo

Day 1

We traveled overnight Friday, finally arriving Saturday night. After checking into the hotel I was beat. I went to sleep right away and managed to sleep 9 hours straight. It was good though to see Berti, Pal, Ueda, and Aldo, who all picked us up at the airport.

Berti invited …

Preparing for the Summer

It’s that time again! We’ve begun preparing to go back to Albania this summer!

2018 team photo

Looking forward to going back

I’m so glad that I already had a chance to get back to Albania in December, when we put on a men’s conference for Cornerstone Church of Tirana. That was a great time …

Men's Retreat in Albania

When I look back on my experience with Albania, starting from my first trip there in 2013 until now, I can’t help but be amazed at the way God has used this partnership to bring change not only in my life but in the lives of my friends. My key verse for my 2-year stint in Albania was Mark …