Hi, my name is

Gordon Burgett

I help bring ideas to reality

I love taking unformed ideas and turning them into working software. With 13+ years of experience in software development, I can help you take your idea from inception to a working product, quickly and efficiently.


Watermark Community Church App
Outsourcing Rock Mobile
Watermark Community Church App

As Director of Tech Dev at Watermark, I overhauled our mobile app managing the entire process from vision casting through budgeting, vendor selection, implementation, testing, and launch.

Healthshare Technology Solutions
React PWA Supabase
Healthshare Technology Solutions

I built the HealthShare app to solve my own problems with Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM). We’ve now grown it into a B2B SAAS serving multiple churches. With the HealthShare app, we’ve solved the administrative burden of CHM for …

VoirDire App
React PWA Electron
VoirDire App

We built the VoirDire app to help our client handle jury selection electronically for his upcoming trials. He is now marketing the app through his network of attorneys to build out the user base.

Many attorneys still use pen and paper sticky notes …

Neighbor Solutions
Rails RAG AI
Neighbor Solutions

In contracting hourly for Neighbor Solutions, I’ve been enjoying working with AI to build unstructured data import and a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipeline.

Neighbor Solutions is a brand new CRM built to enable organizations to …