When you eat chili 3 days in a row

Nov 21, 2016 min read

We’ve been working on follow up since Momentum Europe. We’ve had some good meetings with people, and had some good conversations. Of course our goal is to help our partners to do that more and more - to have the conversations that lead to Gospel presentations, to encourage them to share with and invite more people, and to build their confidence.

professionals on the beach in Durres

To that end we organized a training conference this past weekend. We invited about 20 young professionals out to Durres for 2 days of working through the “Bursting Your Bubble” curriculum. It was a great success! They enjoyed the time together and came away with a stronger desire to serve and share with their peers.

Unfortunately I couldn’t go. Saturday morning I woke up vomiting. I couldn’t eat or drink anything until Sunday. My roommates Pal and Eriol ended up taking me to the hospital, where I got an IV and a few prescription pills. By mid-day Sunday I felt much better, but by then it was too late to join the group in Durres. It was probably the chili that I made on Wednesday, and ate for dinner also Thursday and Friday. But my roommates also ate it and didn’t get sick, so I’m not really sure what it was.

professionals studying the curriculum

It really sucked to not be able to go there. I was really excited to join them for the training and see how God was working. I wanted to share with them some things I had been learning too, and to encourage them during this time. This is probably one of the most important things we’ll do all year. I was really disappointed that I couldn’t go.

The guys really getting into the training

At the same time, I think God knew that it would be better for my sake to stay home. As I look back, the theme of this past year could be summed up as “boasting in my weakness.” God doesn’t need me to inspire the young professionals. In fact, anything I can do is only temporary. God is the one who has to give them a vision for how He wants to impact Albania. If I want to see God change young professionals here, the best thing I can do is pray. So I did - I spent Saturday evening praying for them by name.

God is in control - even to the point of making me sick if He needs to. He’s the one who’s going to change the hearts of believers and non-believers here. Please join me in boasting in the weakness of our staff, and seeing God move in spite of us.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10